Below is an ordered list of the top selling, or most commonly produced Valiant models. I’ve refrained from calling this list the ‘most popular’ as in the early days demand far out stripped the supply/ manufacturing capabilities of Chrysler Australia. The first 2 models (RV-1 and SV-1, which can be found at the bottom of the list) were Complete Knock Down cars, which means that they were imported to Australia as kits, in limited numbers.
Number #1
Number Built
90 865
Number #2
Number Built
68 688
Number #3
Number Built
67 800
Number #4
Number Built
65 634
Number #5
Number Built
Number #6
Number Built
Number #7
Number Built
Number #8
Number Built
43 344
Number #9
Number Built
36 676
Number #10
Number Built
20 555
Number #11
Number Built
16 005
Number #12
Number Built
10 009
Number #13
Number Built
1 008
What do you think? Would you believe that the last of the slant 6’s (VF), sold more than the first of the Hemi 6’s (VG)? Had the RV1 and the SV1 not been produced in predetermined limited numbers but perhaps produced for a certain amount of time (say 12 months), how much further up the list do you think they would be? Does it surprise you that the gap between the top selling and second top selling Valiant is over 22 000 units?